Configuring an external backup | 131
Setup Guide
Windows 2000 Professional (IIS 4)
Red Hat Linux: Kernel 2.2.12, ProFTPD version 1.2.6
For a recommended USB tape drive, see Appendix C, Extra Hardware on
page 157.
Note: For FTP backups, you must have read/write permission on the repository
Tip: For increased security on FTP backups, create a special account on the
repository device with very few security privileges.
If you do not have a device that supports FTP nor a user name and password for
that device, ensure that the FTP option is Off. The default is Off.
Data is backed up to the external device every 24 hours, beginning after
midnight when any option is on.
Configuring an external backup
External backups are made approximately every 24 hours, some time after
midnight, and after the internal backup. If the internal backup fails, the external
backup will not proceed.
Note: External backups are not scheduled until the Peregrine appliance has
been in use for at least 2 hours. For example, if you attach your Peregrine
appliance to your network at an hour before midnight, or 2300 (11
and request an external backup, the backup cannot begin until 0100 (1
Note: If a backup fails, Network Discovery generates an e-mail (assuming
Network Discovery is configured to allow this). Network Discovery waits
approximately 30 minutes, then tries again to create a backup. Each
failure generates a new e-mail.
Procedural alerts
If you do not have a USB tape drive connected to your Peregrine appliance,
ensure that the tape option is Off.