Welcome to Network Discovery | 11
Welcome to Network Discovery
Thank you for using Network Discovery. This book is intended for the Network
Discovery Administrator, the person who will have the most control over the
setup and operation of Network Discovery.
This information is critical to your success with Network Discovery. Your sales
representative may have given it to you as a separate pre-purchase handout
(Preparing for Installation); or you may be seeing it for the first time as the first
four chapters of the Network Discovery Setup Guide. The information is exactly
the same. If you have seen the information before and have already done the
preparation, you can go to Chapter 5, Install and Start Network Discovery. If you
are seeing this information for the first time, let’s get started.
Important: Instructions for upgrading from Network Discovery 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.0.2,
5.1, 5.1.1, 5.1.2, or 5.2 are in the 5.2.3 Release Notes.
About Network Discovery
Network Discovery is a real-time web-based network manager. When
integrated into your network, Network Discovery will discover and monitor all
devices in your network. You will use Network Discovery to find, diagnose and
solve network problems.