Disk Space Management <Important>
Disk Space Management Level
The Storage Server monitors the remaining disk space to check the current disk space
manegement level and takes a measure according to the current level.
1) Low Disk Space Warning Level
2) Threshold Level
3) Limit Level
Administrator can set the Low disk space warning level 1) using the Low Disk Space
Warning Level field in the Settings tab.
The Storage Server calculates the values for Threshold Level 2) and Limit Level 3) based
on various conditions and settings.
Handling at Each Level
The Storage Server performs the following when the disk space reaches each level.
In case of Low Disk Space Warning Level
The Storage Server generates an event when the disk space available for recording (i.e.,
free space from the Maximum disk space used value) has fallen down to a certain level.
If the Maximum disk space used field is not set, the entire drive capacity of the drive
specified in the Drive field is considered to be the maximum disk space used.
[Maximum disk
space used]
Warning Level
Event Notification
Low disk : warning
Event notification allows early control by an administrator to
avoid problems due to running out of disk space (for example,
removing unnecessary recording schedules).
The event notification e-mail is sent when the priority specified for
the Low Disk Space Warning Level option in the Event tab of the
Storage Server Configuration dialog is equal to or higher than the
priority specified in the Event Notification tab. Refer to P. 68 and P.
70 for how to set the Events and Event Notification tabs.