VK-Lite is bundled with the VB-C60. This is a simplified version of the Network Video
Recorder VK-64/VK-16. The differences in functionality between the VK-64/VK-16 and VK-
Lite product versions are summarized below.
Functional Limitations in VK-Lite
• The maximum number of cameras that can be registered is 4 units.
• It is recommended that 8 or less video windows are displayed in the Viewer Window (a
warning is displayed if 9 or more video windows are displayed).
• The maximum frame rate is as follows.
Video recording 5 fps or less (JPEG)
Record now Fixed at 5 fps
• The reduce frame rate under high load is fixed on.
• The maximum file size can not be changed.
• The supported cameras are as follows.
VB-C60, VB-C300, VB-C50i, VB-C50iR, VB-C50Fi, and VB-C50FSi
• The VK-Lite Viewer cannot connect to VK-64/VK-16 Storage Server.
• The VK-64/VK-16 Viewer can connect to VK-Lite Storage Server.
However, older versions of the VK-64/VK-16 Viewer cannot connect to VK-Lite Storage
You cannot connect to the following cameras.
VB-C10, VB-C10R, VB150
System Overview