System Overview
System Design Concept
JPEG Small (160x120) JPEG Medium (320x240) JPEG Large (640x480)
1 4.0 13.0 40.7
2 4.6 15.3 47.1
3 5.2 17.4 53.2
4 6.8 22.9 69.4
5 18.5 65.2 210.5
Example of frame size with VB-C60* (JPEG)
When audio is recorded by 2 camera server, the required hard disk space is approximately
1.3 GB per day (=8 KB x 2 units x 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours = 1382400 KB).
Example 2: MPEG-4 recording
- Using 8 Camera Servers (VB-C60) for recording,
- With each camera set to Medium Size (320 x 240) and Video Quality is set to 3,
- Recording frame rate is set at 30 fps, and
- Data size per second is approximately 30 KB.
Although actual data size depends on objects shot by each Camera Server, this
calculation assumes the typical size shown above.
For the above configuration, when MPEG-4 video from 8 Camera Servers are being
recorded continuously at 30 fps all day, every day, the hard disk space required is
approximately 40GB per day (=60KB x 8 cameras x 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours =
41472000KB per day).
* For the above figures please note that the bandwidth is calculated as 1000Kbps =
1Mbps, and the disk size as 1024KB = 1MB.
The following tables give some typical data sizes per frame (in kilobytes) for various
combination of quality and resolution values referring to a VB-C60, VB-C300 and VB-C50i.
However the actual data size may be different from the data size in the table below
depending on the weather condition and complexity of the image. For example, images of
an empty corridor would typically be smaller than these values and images of an intricate
pattern such as a crowded shopping mall may be larger than these.