Detection Indicator Colors
Motion is displayed in the Detection Indicator as a green color bar and will remain green if
the level of motion is below the set Sensitivity and within a defined Area Ratio. If motion
reaches the set Sensitivity and Area Ratio, the color bar changes to yellow and if the
detected motion remains at the yellow level for the defined duration, a red color bar is
displayed and an event is triggered. The behaviour of the Detection Indicator is described
as follows.
Green color bar - The area of change that is less than the
specified Area Ratio, i.e., activity remains at the left of the Area
Ratio marker.
Yellow color bar - The area of change that is equal to or
greater than the specified Area Ratio (activity peaks on or to the
right of the Area Ratio marker) but the required amount of motion
has not met the specified duration in order to trigger an event.
Red color bar - The amount of change that meets the
defined detection conditions and motion is detected,
triggering an event, i.e., the required amount of motion
has been detected for the specified duration.
Configure Motion and Sensor Settings
Area Ratio marker.
You can set the amount of motion required before the red color bar is displayed, while
monitoring the image here.
Area Ratio slide bar.
The Motion Detection Options field also allows you to set the sensitivity for motion
detection within the Active Region. There are three controls, Sensitivity, Area Ratio and
Duration. Settings for these determine how great the variation of motion detection will be,
how large the changed area will be (a proportion of the detection area set) and how long
the variation will continue before it is recognized as motion and the event is triggered.
The adjustment for the Area Ratio is indicated in the Detection Indicator as shown below.
Configuring Recording Schedules