Configuring the Storage Server
If the Storage Server needs to access Camera
Servers outside the LAN, you may need to
configure proxy settings (see user note t P. 14).
In the Storage Server Proxy field, tick the
Enable the following proxy server box.
Enter the Proxy server address and Port.
Enter the Storage Server Proxy Address
In the Recorded Video Settings field, set:
Maximum retained history - Enter a
value from 1 to 999 and then select Days
or Weeks from the drop-down menu.
Maximum file size / duration - Select
MB or Hours and enter a value from
1 - 24 for Hours or 32 - 1024 for MB; for
example, ‘100 MB’ or ‘24 Hours’. This will
establish the maximum size used for each
file of recorded video.
Enter Recorded Video Settings
In the Disk drive settings field, set:
Drive - Select the disk drive to configure,
from the drop-down menu.
Maximum disk space used - Tick the box
and enter a value in Megabytes (MB) or
Gigabytes (GB), for example, ‘D: 50 GB’.
This establishes the maximum disk space used for all video files on the specified drive.
Low disk space notification
threshold - Enter a percent value.
When remaining space reaches,
for example, 10%, a notification will
be emailed.
Select Disk Drive Settings
If disk space is not enough to cover the specified value configured with
‘Maximum disk space used’, the retained duration of video may be shorter
than the specified period or the recording may be temporarily stopped.
Please be sure to perform sufficient tests before starting operations.
Start or Stop the Storage Server
You can start or stop the Storage Server using
the Start Storage Server/Stop Storage Server
buttons via the Settings tab.