
Timeline Overview
On the Viewing Screen, a timeline of past events associated with displayed cameras is
shown in the Timeline Area at the bottom of the Viewer as colored bars. Selecting a colored
bar moves the playhead to the event and the associated Video Window is switched to
playback mode.
Using the Timeline
Video Window Playback controls.
Previous Event.
Nudge Back.
Nudge Forward.
Fast Forward.
Next Event.
Camera name.
Click to scroll back hours,
by days or by weeks.
Darker areas indicate recorded
video for this period.
Events for non-selected cameras
(Video Windows) are indicated in
weaker colors as secondary events.
Playhead region.Playback controls.
Click in this area
of the Playhead
shaft and drag
to positions on
the Timeline.
Zoom in or out of the
Timeline to see events
in more or less detail.