Setup Procedures
Detail Settings
WebView Livescope
"Video Transmission Port"
Sets the TCP port number for the WebView
Livescope video transmission protocol.
Enter an integer between 1 and 65535.
The default setting is 65310.
"Camera Control Port"
Sets the TCP port number for the WebView
Livescope camera control protocol. Enter
an integer between 1 and 65535. The
default setting is 65311.
"Maximum Number of Clients"
Sets the maximum number of clients that
can be connected simultaneously from the
WebView Livescope Viewer. Enter an
integer from 1 to 40.
"Control Queue Length"
Sets the length of the queue when multiple
clients are waiting for control privilege
under the WebView Livescope Viewer.
Enter an integer between 0 and 40. The
maximum number is 40. When set to "0",
only the Admin Viewer is permitted to control
the camera.
"Maximum Frame Rate (fps)"
Sets the maximum number of frames captured
per second. Enter a number between 0.1 and
30. The maximum frame rate is 30 fps.
"Maximum View Time (sec)"
Sets the maximum time the client can view
videos using the WebView Livescope Viewer.
Enter an integer between 1 and 65535. A
setting of 0 disables the time limitation.
"Maximum Camera Control Time (sec)"
Sets the maximum time for which camera
control privilege can be maintained under
the WebView Livescope
Enter an
integer between 1 and 3600.
"Still Video Capture Delay Wait Time
When the GetStillImage command (→
P.114) has been requested, this setting
specifies the delay to allow the camera to
stabilize before still picture is captured.
Enter an integer between 0 and 10000.
The maximum delay is 10000
"Restrict Service Time"
When you want to set service time for WebView
Livescope Viewers, tick this option and specify the Start
and End times.
The Admin Viewer can be used to display pictures at
times other than the time specified. (→ P.88)
Application Settings Page
Use this page to specify settings for each application. Only the application selected as the "Target
Application" (→ P.38) in the Basic Settings settings page is shown on this page.
■When WebView Livescope is selected
If you want to restrict video service time, use "Restrict Service Time".