
Using the Picture Recording Function
Settings specified on the "Camera and Video" page ( P.43)
Specify the appropriate settings for the Camera 1 being used.
Settings specified on the "Preset" page ( P.47)
Set a camera angle that redords the open doorway as Preset 1.
Settings specified in "External Device Input 1/2" ( P.48, 49)
Set the recording time from 17
:00 to 6:00.
Give priority to "Recording triggerd by external device".
Set the camera position for recording to Preset 1.
Set the light to switch on when the door opens and to switch off 20 seconds after the door closes.
Pictures are recorded 4 seconds before the door opens. The lights are not yet turned on.
Record pictures for 8 seconds after the door closes.
Record pictures at 10-second intevals while the door is open.
Delete the recorded pictures at 12:00 on the next day. In this case, delete the pictures recorded in the
morning at 12:00 on the next day, and delete the pictures recorded in the afternoon at 12:00 two days later.
Sample Still Picture Recording Settings
Using the Still Picture Recording Function Linked to an External Device