5. Complete the setup
Click OK on the Page Setup tab.
When you execute print, the data is printed with the specified stamp.
Printing a Background
Two bitmap files are pre-registered as samples.
1. Open the printer driver setup window
2. Click Stamp/Background... on the Page Setup tab
The Stamp/Background dialog box opens.
3. Select the background
Check the Background check box, and select the background to be used from the
The current settings are displayed in the settings preview on the left side of the Page
Setup tab.
4. Set the background details
If necessary, complete the following settings, and then click OK.
Select Background... button
To use another background or change the layout or density of a background, click
Background first page only
To print the background only on the first page, check this check box.
5. Complete the setup
Click OK on the Page Setup tab.
When you execute print, the data is printed with the specified background.
The stamp and background are not printed on blank sheets inserted with the Insert
blank page function of booklet printing.
Related Topics
Registering a Stamp
Registering Image Data to be Used as a Background