The combined documents are separated, and the original documents are restored.
This command has the same function as the (Reset Documents) on the toolbar.
Move Document
Use the following command to change the order of the documents selected in the
document list.
Move to First
Moves the selected print document to the beginning of the document list.
If the currently selected document is the first document, this command is grayed
out and cannot be selected.
Move Up One
Moves the selected print document one up from its current position.
If the currently selected document is the first document, this command is grayed
out and cannot be selected.
Move Down One
Moves the selected print document one down from its current position.
If the currently selected document is the last document, this command is grayed
out and cannot be selected.
Move to Last
Moves the selected print document to the end of the document list.
If the currently selected document is the last document, this command is grayed
out and cannot be selected.
Delete Document
Deletes the selected document from the document list.
If the document list contains only one document, the document is grayed out and
cannot be selected.
This command has the same function as the (Delete Document) on the toolbar.
Grayscale Printing
Allows you to change the monochrome print settings.
This command has the same functionality as the Grayscale Printing check box in
the print settings area.
Page Layout Printing...
Opens the Page Layout Printing dialog box.
This dialog box allows you to set Page Layout Printing, Pages, Page Order, and
Page Border.