
Bosch Supplier Logistics Manual, Release. 3.0
Robert Bosch GmbH, CP/LOG, 07.05.2007 Page 18(35)
- Malaysia Plastic Spool for PgW (Power Tools division)
Unless otherwise agreed the SUPPLIER shall receive returnable packaging only to cover a defined
inventory level (generally 3 days) of the product without any charge for their use (basic: future
demand; Transit stock).
Standard load carriers which are used for SUPPLIER internal usage have to be procured by the
Special provisions may be made in individual cases.
Euro pallets and Euro box pallets are subject to the regulations of the European Pallet Association
(Internet: http://www.epal-pallets.org
b) Special load carriers
b1) BOSCH-special carriers
see a).
BOSCH-specific load carriers will be procured only by BOSCH.
Special load carriers for the supplier intern production process have to be procured by the supplier
(supplier can use in that case Bosch purchasing conditions if agreed).
b2) SUPPLIER-specific load carriers
SUPPLIER specific load carriers must be procured by the supplier. The procurement costs for the
specific load carriers is carried by Bosch if not included in the unit price.
The amount of the necessary inventory in circulation (see a), purchasing price has to be agreed with
c). Non returnable packaging
Generally costs for non returnable packaging and there procurement have to be covered by the
2.2.2 Management of Returnable Balances
SUPPLIER shall keep accounts for returnable packaging and cross-check the balances with its
interchange partner, i.e. BOSCH or any external logistics service provider contracted by BOSCH.
BOSCH shall keep accounts for returnable packaging for at least BOSCH-specific empties and for
poolable VDA "KLT" small load carriers. SUPPLIER will be informed of balance on a monthly basis.
Objections by SUPPLIER must be received within 14 calendar days by the responsible empties
management office (at BOSCH or an EDL). Otherwise, SUPPLIER shall be considered to have