Chapter 5: CPS Appliance Commands 63
Table 5.26 and Table 5.27 list the display fields for a Show Port command that specifies one or all ports.
Table 5.26: Show Port Command Display Fields for Console Ports
Field Content
Port Port number.
Serial Port Settings
Comma-separated string of port values: baud rate, number of bits, parity, stop bits,
flow control, socket number, time-out value and CLI access character (from Port Set
command). The CLI character is preceded by POR CLI= if it was defined with a Port
Set command or by SER CLI= if it was defined with a Server CLI command.
TX Bytes Number of bytes transmitted.
RX Bytes Number of bytes received.
Errors Number of TX/RX parity and framing errors.
Device power status, if monitoring is enabled. ON indicates the device is on, OFF
indicates the device is off. If monitoring is disabled, this field is blank.
Toggle ** Toggle value (from Port Set command).
Power Signal ** Signal and state being monitored for device power status (from Port Set command).
Logical name **
Logical port name, which contains last three octets of MAC address plus the
port number.
User * Username (from User Add command).
Level * User’s access level (from User Add and User Set Access commands).
Access * User’s access rights (from User Add and User Set Access commands).
Duration * Duration of user’s session.
* Displayed only when the command specifies a single port that is currently being accessed.
** Displayed only when the command specifies a single port that is not being accessed.
Table 5.27: Show Port Command Display Fields for SPC Ports
Field Content
ONLINE indicates the SPC device is powered on, OFFLINE indicates the SPC
device is powered off.
Version SPC firmware version.
Sockets Number of sockets on the SPC device.
Minload Minimum load amp value (from SPC command).
Maxload Maximum load amp value (from SPC command).