
30 CPS Installer/User Guide
If Auto is specified, the number of bytes in the history buffer is displayed and the entire con-
tent of the buffer is output to the Telnet session. In this mode, the history buffer’s content may
be reviewed in the Telnet client’s scrolling window. You may also use the Port History com-
mand to view the port’s history buffer content.
To control the port history buffer content when you end a session:
Issue a Server CLI command, using the History parameter to specify the Clear or Keep option:
If Clear is specified, the port history buffer is cleared and all data is discarded at the end of
a session.
If Keep is specified, the port history buffer’s content is retained at the end of a session.
To clear and discard all data in a port history buffer:
Issue a Clear command while you are in port history mode.
- or -
Issue a Server CLI command, indicating History=Clear.
In this case, the port’s history buffer is cleared at the end of each device session.
Managing the CPS Appliance Using SNMP
The CPS serial over IP network appliance provides a set of commands that create and manage
SNMP structures for use by third party network management products. These commands cover the
following operations:
Enabling and disabling SNMP UDP port 161 SNMP processing
Defining read, write and trap community names
Defining and deleting up to four SNMP management entity IP addresses
Enabling and disabling SNMP traps
Defining and deleting up to four trap destination IP addresses
Defining, copying and deleting up to ten alert strings for each port
By default, SNMP is enabled but no traps are enabled and no trap destinations are defined.
To enable or disable SNMP processing:
1. To enable SNMP processing, issue a Server SNMP command with the Enable parameter. This
is the default setting.
2. To disable SNMP processing, issue a Server SNMP command with the Disable parameter.