50 CPS Installer/User Guide
PORT [<port>|ALL] SET IN|OUT [CR=<cr>] [LF=<lf>|CRLF=CR]
Quit Command
The Quit command terminates the current CPS appliance session and terminates your Telnet
connection to the unit.
Access right: none needed
Access level: all
Resume Command
The Resume command exits the CLI and resumes your connection to the attached serial device.
The history buffer contains any data received while you were in CLI mode.
Access right: none needed
Access level: all
Table 5.9: Port Set In/Out Command Parameters
Parameter Description
Either a port number in range 1-8 for a CPS810 appliance or 1-16 for a CPS1610
appliance, or All which indicates that the settings that follow should be applied to
all ports.
Default = port to which you are attached
ALL Indicates that the settings that follow should be applied to all ports.
Either In to specify translation for incoming data or Out to specify translation for
outgoing data.
Translation to be made for carriage returns. Valid values are:
CR=CR Carriage return is treated as a carriage return.
CR=LF Carriage return is treated as a linefeed.
CR=STRIP Carriage return is stripped.
CR=CRLF Carriage return is treated as a carriage return and linefeed.
Default: CR=CR
Translation to be made for linefeeds. Valid values are:
LF=LF Linefeed is treated as a linefeed.
LF=CR Linefeed is treated as a carriage return.
LF=STRIP Linefeed is stripped.
CRLF=CR Linefeed is stripped only if it is preceded by a carriage return.
This LF setting cannot be specified with any other LF setting.
Default: LF=LF