
82 007-5510-002
Figure 3–64 Displaying the Serial Console Setting
CONSOLE BAUD changes the baud rate of the CONFIG port of the controller (Figure 3–65).
Figure 3–65 Changing the Baud Rate
3.8.4 CLI/Telnet Session Control Settings
You may change the CLI’s and Telnet’s various session control settings. The SETTINGS command
displays the current setting (Figure 3–66).
Figure 3–66 Current Session Control Settings
SETTINGS DEFAULTS resets all the CLI and Telnet session control settings to their default values.
SETTINGS LINES=<number of lines> sets the number of lines displayed at a time in a page of screen
information. Pages provide a way to control the amount of information displayed to the user at one time.
You will be prompted to either press a specified key in order to scroll from one page to the next, or (in
certain circumstances), to terminate the display. Valid range is 0 to 512 lines, where 0 indicates that no
paging is to be performed on the output information. Default setting is 0.
SETTINGS PROMPTINFO=ON enables extra status information in the CLI prompt. OFF disables extra
status information in the CLI prompt. When enabled, the CLI prompt indicates whether the system is
booting (BOOTING), failed (FAILED) or waiting for a restart (RESTART NEEDED). ON is the default.
3.8.5 Disk Diagnostics
The DISK DIAG=tc command performs a series of diagnostics tests on the specified disk. The disk is
specified by its physical: tier (t) in the range <1..125>, and channel (c) in the range <ABCDEFGHPS>.
15000 [1]: console baud
Select the new serial console baud rate from choices below:
1 - 9600
2 - 19200
3 - 38400
4 - 57600
5 - 115200 <- Current setting
e - escape out of this command
Enter selection: