
46 007-5510-002
RESTART DUAL restarts both units.
RESTART KILL stops a timed restart that is in progress. System Shutdown
SHUTDOWN shuts down the controller unit.
If you need to power down the controller, use SHUTDOWN prior to shutting off power. This will cause
the controller to flush its cache, abort all format and rebuild operations, and proceed with an orderly
All hosts actively using the controller should be safely shutdown and all users logged out before using
this command. The controller will halt all I/O requests and save the data to the disks.
Use SHUTDOWN whenever you power down the controller for maintenance.
SHUTDOWN flushes any data left in the cache and prepares the controller for an orderly
shutdown. For couplet controller configuration, issue SHUTDOWN to both controllers.
To perform a hard restart of the unit by cycling the power, use: SHUTDOWN RESTART=X, where X is
a value between 1 and 1023 seconds before the unit powers up again. If the number is not specified, the
default is 15 seconds.
If SHUTDOWN RESTART is used in conjunction with the DUAL parameter, the
restart will only affect unit where it was issued on and not both.
SHUTDOWN DELAY=X delays a shutdown of a unit between 0 and 255 minutes (where x is minutes
SHUTDOWN DUAL shutdowns both units.
SHUTDOWN KILL stops a timed shutdown that is in progress.
3.2.6 Setting the System’s Date and Time
Valid date settings are between years 2000 and 2104. In dual mode, settings should always be done on
Unit 1. Changes will automatically be applied to both units. Settings are automatically adjusted for leap
years. System Date
DATE displays the current system date.
You can also change the system date. At the prompt, type:
date mm dd yyyy
where mm represents the two digit value for month, dd represents the two digit value for day, and yyyy
represents the four digit value for year.
For example, to change the date to March 14, 2009, type:
date 03 14 2009