Controller Management
007-5510-002 37
Table 3–2 PHY Link Error Status Block Information
SATA drives have an Active/Active MUX (AAMUX) installed. Error counts are read
directly from the AAMUX.
H-RX The number of SATA FIS CRC errors received on the host port of the AAMUX
H-TX The number of SATA R_ERR primitives received on the host port indicating a problem
with the transmitter of the AAMUX
H-Link The number of times the PHY has lost link on the host port.
H-Disp The number of frame errors for the host port of the AAMUX. These include: code error,
disparity error, or realignment
O-RX The number of SATA FIS CRC errors received on the other host port of the AAMUX
O-TX The number of SATA R_ERR primitives received on the other host port indicating a
problem with the transmitter of the AAMUX
O-Link The number of times the PHY has lost link on the other host port.
O-Disp The number of frame errors for the other host port of the AAMUX. These include: code
error, disparity error, or realignment.
D-RX The number of SATA FIS CRC errors received on the device port of the AAMUX
D-TX The number of SATA R_ERR primitives received on the device port indicating a problem
with the transmitter of the AAMUX.
D-Link The number of times the PHY has lost link on the device port.
D-Disp The number of frame errors for the device port of the AAMUX. These include: code error,
disparity error, or realignment.
InvDW Invalid DWORD Count - The number of invalid dwords received outside of the PHY
reset sequence.
RunDis Running disparity Count - The number of dwords containing running disparity errors
received outside of the PHY reset sequence
LDWSYN Loss of DWORD synchronization count - The number of times the PHY has lost
synchronization and restarted the link reset sequence
PHYRES PHY Reset Problem count - The number of times the PHY reset sequence has failed.