A procedure is a list of instructions that tells Dr. Logo how to do a task.
You will probably write your first procedures by adding to those already built into Dr.
Logo, these are called 'primitives'.
fd, bk, rt and lt are all built-in primitives which you may use at any time as
building blocks to write your own procedures.
Another very useful built-in primitive is cs which clears the screen and sends the turtle
to its starting position.
It is easy to visualise that if the movements fd 60 rt 90 were to be repeated 4
times each, a square with sides of 60 units would be drawn.
The same effect can be achieved by writing a simple formula:
repeat 4 [fd 60 rt 90]
Clear the screen and then try typing this in to check what happens.
To make this formula into a new procedure called, 'square', type:
to square
repeat 4 [fd 60 rt 90]
Dr. Logo will now understand 'square' and each time it encounters the word 'square' it
will draw a square on the screen. We could have given this procedure any name, but
we chose 'square' to remind us what it does.
Dr. Logo allows us to type in a whole set of commands together so the instructions
square rt 45 square, will draw two squares, the second at a 45 degrees angle
to the first.
4.6 Procedures with parameters.
It is possible. to make a procedure to which we can say 'how much' in the same way
that we can say 'how much' to a built-in procedure.
To make a procedure that will draw squares of different sized sides, the definition of
'square' can be altered to:
to squareanysize :side
repeat 4 [fd :side rt 90]
This new procedure introduces the idea of a 'variable', which in this case is called :
You will notice that the variable :side, is preceeded by a colon, this indicates to Dr.
Logo that :side is a variable rather than a command.
Chapter 4.3 AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface DDI-1 Manual