
Foundations 3:
Loading Software/Games
Software/Games available on disc for the Amstrad system are loaded many times more
quickly than their cassette counterparts.
It is necessary however, to remember a few important rules concerning the names of
programs to be loaded or run.
A command such as RUN" normally used when loading cassette software, is invalid
during disc operation as the naming of the program to be run is obligatory on disc.
Program names (or filenames) on disc are comprised of 2 parts (or fields) separated by
a dot .
The first field may contain up to 8 characters, and is usually the title of the game or
program. The second field is optionally specifiable and usually relates to the type of
program, e.g. BAS or BIN (BASIC or binary).
Note that filenames should not contain spaces or punctuation marks in the first or
second field.
Note that the use of either UPPER or lower case letters is permitted when typing in
AMSDOS or CP/M commands and filenames.
Further information on the naming of disc files will be found later in this manual
under the sections concerning AMSDOS and CP/M.
For now, to run a program on disc such as 'Roland in the Caves' type in:
run "rolcave"
If you have inserted the software disc correctly the program will load in a few seconds,
and will be ready for you to use.
If not, study any error message on the screen to see where you went wrong:
Drive A: disc missing
Retry, Ignore or Cancel?
means that you have either not inserted your disc correctly, or that you have inserted it
into Drive B.
ROLCAVE. not found
means that you have either inserted the wrong disc, or have not carefully typed in the
exact name of the program.
(Always follow the loading instructions accompanying each software package).
Foundation 3.1 AMSTRAD Disc Drive & Interface DDI-1 Manual