Remote Commands
The Common Commands
poll. The RQS bit is not affected by the condition that caused the
SRQ. The serial poll command transfers the value of the Status
Byte register to a variable.
Syntax *CLS
Definition The *CLS command clears the following:
• Error queue
• Standard event status register (ESR)
• Status byte register (STB)
After the *CLS command the instrument is left
waiting for the next command. The instrument
setting is unaltered by the command, though
*OPC/*OPC? actions are canceled.
If the *CLS command occurs directly after a
program message terminator, the output queue
and MAV, bit 4, in the status byte register are
cleared, and if condition bits 2-0 of the status
byte register are zero, MSS, bit 6 of the status
byte register is also zero.
Example OUTPUT 728;"*CLS"
Syntax *ESE <wsp><value>
≤ value ≤ 255
Definition The *ESE command sets bits in the standard
event status enable register (ESE) that enable
the corresponding bits in the standard event
status register (ESR).
The register is cleared:
• At power-on