Making an Attenuation Sweep
The Automatic Sweep
6. Edit the value of STOP with the Modify keys.
7. Press S
WP again to get STEP.
8. Edit the value of STEP with the Modify keys.
9. Press S
WP again to get DWELL.
10. Edit the value of DWELL with the Modify keys.
See “Using the Modify Keys” on page 29 for information on
editing with the Modify keys.
Resetting the Parameters
To reset any of the sweep parameters, press and hold SWP until the
value resets (this takes approximately two seconds).
START and STOP reset so that the filter attenuation (inside the
instrument) is zero, that is
Start = Cal
Stop = Cal
See “Entering a Calibration Factor” on page 39 for information
about setting the calibration factor, Cal.
STEP resets to zero.
DWELL resets to 0.2 seconds.
Executing the Automatic Sweep
If you have just set up your sweep, then you only need to press
XEC to run the application.
If you have already set up the sweep, and are currently operating
the instrument as an attenuator,
1. Press S
WP, and then,
2. Press E