Remote Commands
STATus Commands
• Bit 1, which is 1 when the motor that
positions the attenuator filter is settling.
• Bit 3, which is 1 while the instrument is
performing an attenuation sweep.
• Bit 7, which is 1 after the instrument has
repositioned the attenuator filter due to a
change in temperature.
Example OUTPUT 728;":STAT:OPER?"
ENTER 728;A$
Syntax :STATus:OPERation:NTRansition
<wsp> <value>
Description This command sets the bits in the NTRansition
register. Setting a bit in this register enables a
negative transition (1
→0) in the corresponding
bit in the CONDition register to set the bit in
the EVENt register.
Syntax :STATus:OPERation:NTRansition?
Description This query returns the current contents of the
OPERation:NTRansition register.
Example OUTPUT 728;":STAT:OPER:NTR 138"
ENTER 728;A$
Syntax :STATus:OPERation:PTRansition
<wsp> <value>