Systems needing more than ten module
The Agilent E4849B mainframe can
be extended using the Agilent E4848B
expander frame. The maximum con-
figuration with one expander is:
• Agilent E4849B mainframe
• Option 001 display and entry panel
• Option 002 VXI extender module
• Agilent E4805A clock module
• 8 Agilent E4841A modules
• 32 front-ends, any mix
• Agilent E4848B expander frame
• Agilent E4805A clock module
• 11 Agilent E4841A modules
• 44 front-ends, any mix
The maximum number of front-ends
for this configuration is 76.
All required connecting cables are
supplied with the above products.
SMA cables have to be ordered sepa-
Systems needing more than 19 module slots
A second expander frame can be con-
nected. The maximum configuration
with two expanders is 120 channels.
If in doubt, please contact your local
Agilent Technologies representative.
Steps to configure your own per-
sonal system:
1) Select the configuration sheets to fill out
• For configuration of the Agilent
E4840A Small mainframe, use the
configuration sheet on page III
• Configuring the Agilent E4849B
mainframe as a standalone system
(without the Agilent E4848B
Expander frames) use the sheet on
page V
• Configuring a system with more
than one frame, use the configura-
tion sheets on pages VII, IX and XI
2) Select the desired slot for your module
On the 1st row of each sheet you can
mark with a cross, what kind of mod-
ule you want to have plugged into
which slot. For this task, make use of
the table on page 3 where you have
already entered your choice of mod-
ules and front-ends.
3) Select the desired slot for your front-end:
Each module holds up to four front-
ends. Make use of the table on page 2
again and write the product number
(e.g. E4847A) the kind of front-end
you would like to have in the appro-
priate slot. Please note:
• Module Agilent E4805A doesn’t
hold any front-ends
• Module Agilent E4831A holds only
two front-ends (only generator
front-ends) in the 3rd and 4th
front-end slot
• Module Agilent E4841A holds four
4) Check the power requirements
Checking for power requirements for
each frame with the power require-
ment calculation table (MS Excel) is
useful, to be on the safe-side. The
power requirement spreadsheet can
be downloaded from:
5) Fill out the Fax Cover Sheet on the next
page, and fax it together with the complet-
ed configuration sheets to the Fax number
on the cover sheet.
Please make sure that you specify
your Agilent order number on the fax
cover sheet, otherwise your personal
configuration requirement will not be