
DUT Fixturing
For convenient and reliable DUT fix-
turing for DUT’s with up to 192 pins,
there is the Agilent E4839A Test
Fixture available. For details, please
consult Agilent E4839A Test Fixture,
data sheet, p/n 5968-3580E.
Simulation data link for VHDL and Verilog
BestLink/81200, a simulation data
link is available to process and trans-
fer simulation data from Verilog and
VHDL simulators. For details, please
consult the BestLink/81200
Simulation Data Link for the Agilent
81200, product information, p/n
5968-2548E or visit:
Test accessories
Please consult the table on page 6.
STEP 6: Checking your configuration
Front-ends and modules:
What do I need to run generator channels
up to 1.32 Gbit/s?
You need two Agilent E4843A or
Agilent E4838A generator front-ends,
which are EXOR-ed internally added
to generate one 1.32 Gbit/s signal. For
better signal performance, for signals
above 1 Gbit/s, please also consider
an external addition, by using an
Agilent 11667B (APC-3.5 power split-
ter, DC to 26.5 GHz) or an Agilent
11636B (DC to 26.5 GHz power
divider, APC-3.5).
For operation in EXOR addition mode
you only need two Agilent E4843A
respectively Agilent E4838A front-
ends per module.
I need generator channels that operate up
to 200 Mbit/s and with more than 512 Kbit
memory depth per channel. Can I use the
Agilent E4846A dual generator front-ends?
No. If you need more than 512 Kbit,
you should use the Agilent
E4843A/38A (max. 660 Mbit/s) front-
ends. The Agilent E4846A dual gener-
ator front-ends share the channel's
memory depth of 1024 Kbit, this is
why they only support 512 Kbit. This
is also true for dual analyzer front-
For more details please consult
Agilent 81200 Data Generator/
Analyzer Platform, data sheet, p/n
I want to run a PRBS pattern on one chan-
nel and data from another channel at the
same time. Is that possible?
Yes, but you have to use two mod-
ules, one for the PRBS and one for
the control signals.
I want to use just the Agilent 81200 analyzer
channels. Is this configuration possible?
Yes, but we recommend that one gen-
erator channel as a timing reference
for the system is used, otherwise the
trigger output would have to be used
as a timing reference.
Mainframe/system control and accessories:
I'd like to fit a VXI DVM into a spare slot in
the Agilent 81200 frame. Will that work?
Yes, if you have configured the
Agilent 81200 platform as described
in the section STEP 4b as an "open"
I test my designs in a remote environment
so I won't need monitors and so on con-
nected to the Agilent 81200. Will it boot
without a monitor and keyboard?
Yes, but you will need a mouse.
However, you will need a monitor to
perform tasks such as shut down and
to install user software upgrades.
Can I fit Agilent 81200 modules into an
existing VXI system?
Yes, please refer to STEP 4b. Plug and
play drivers for the Agilent 81200 are
an integral part of the Agilent
E4873A Rev. 2.1 User Software.
Can I combine rack & stack instruments
with the Agilent 81200?
Yes. You can use an external con-
troller or you can use the Agilent
81200's built-in PC as a controller. A
GPIB (IEEE 488.2) interface is
already installed on the Agilent 81200
system controller. You will however,
need to install controller software
such as VEE, Agilent HP-BASIC or C.
I want to integrate the Agilent 81200 into a
system. How can I control it and transfer
test vectors?
These requirements can be fulfilled
via LAN or GPIB. Interfaces for both
are installed on the Agilent 81200
Controller. The vector file format is a
STIL subset (Standard Test Interface
Language; ASCII file with header and