
61223HDSL2L2-5B 1
HDSL2 for General Distribution
The HDSL2 modules referenced in this document are used to deploy a T1 circuit using 2-wire
metallic facilities.
HDSL2 provides extended range to DS1/T1 transport while providing spectral compatibility
with ADSL and other transport technologies. The ADTRAN HDSL2 Transceiver Unit for
Central Office (H2TU-C) works in conjunction with the ADTRAN HDSL2 Transceiver Remote
Unit (H2TU-R) to provide a DS1 service up to 12,000 feet on the local loop.
The H2TU-C receives DSX-1 signals, converts them and provides HDSL2 signals to the local
loop. The H2TU-R receives the HDSL2 signals from the H2TU-C and provides DS1 signals to
the customer.
Features available on these products are described in detail in “Appendix B, HDSL2 Features”.
Table 1 lists the ADTRAN HDSL2 Central Office modules approved for general distribution.
Table 2 lists the ADTRAN HDSL2 remote modules approved for general distribution.
Table 1. HDSL2 Central Office Modules
HDSL2 Module Part Number CLEI Code
Total Access 3000 HDSL2 Transceiver Unit for Central Office (H2TU-C) 1181113L2 T1L7HYLA_ _
220 HDSL2 Transceiver Unit for Central Office (H2TU-C) 1223001L2 T1L7J2MA_ _
DDM+ HDSL2 Transceiver Unit for Central Office (H2TU-C) 1223003L2 T1L7K4NA_ _
3192 HDSL2 Transceiver Unit for Central Office (H2TU-C) 1223004L2 T1L7L7PA_ _
3192M HDSL2 Transceiver Unit for Central Office (H2TU-C) 1223004L12 T1L9DEFA_ _
Table 2. HDSL2 Remote Modules
HDSL2 Module Part Number CLEI Code
T200 HDSL2 Transceiver Remote Unit (H2TU-R), Locally Powered 1223024L2 T1L8FJFC_ _
T200 HDSL2 Transceiver Remote Unit (H2TU-R), Span Powered 1223026L2 T1L8MOKC_ _