System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
NSR-ORA and NetApp Configuring NSR-ORA
This parameter overwrites the backup level of the respective NetWorker
client which is preset in the clients schedule. Thus you can reduce the
configuration to the definition of a client.
“Pure snapshot backups” always use level “1” in this attribute.
If the groups Interval value is set to less than 24 hours, NetWorker
will overwrite the Level setting with “incr”, as long as the Fo rc e
incremental attribute is not set to “No”.
● Force incremental attribute
This parameter should always be set to “No”. In the other case all
backups would be performed with level “incr”, if the Interval attribute is set
to a value less than 24.
To backup an Oracle database on a NAS Filer, at least two NetWorker client
resources are required:
● One client must contain the configuration of the Filer connection. This
client defines a NetWorker NDMP client which is not used for backup by
NSR-ORA, but is used by NetWorker whenever an NDMP backup is
issued by NSR-ORA (for this NetWorker needs the NDMP user name
and password). It is recommended to use save set /vol/vol0 for that client
and to use this client also to perform a test backup of the NetWorker
NDMP configuration,before starting backups of the database. The
attributes of that client are described in detail in section “Defining the
NDMP Client”.
● For the database backup at least one NSR-ORA client is required. The
clients Name attribute must contain the name of the database host.
Those NSR-ORA clients need the following additional settings:
● Save set attribute
for NDMP backups NSR-ORA provides two new save sets
Both anchors (directories below /nsr/oracle/${ORACLE_SID}/) are created
by the configure_nsrora script and contain files with the names of all
tablespaces (or at least a file named System).