System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
Installation and Configuration Configuration
# cd /tmp/nsr-ora
Ê Unpack the NSR-ORA.tar file from the CD:
# tar xvf /cdrom/NSR-ORA.tar
Ê The installation is then continued with the command:
# swinstall -s /tmp/NSRORA_HP_PKG \NSR-ORA
4.3 Configuration
4.3.1 How to Proceed for an Update from an Earlier
If you had already installed Version 2.0 or higher of NSR-ORA before you install
V3.2, then the following sections on the configuration do not necessarily apply
in your case. You can take over the configuration of the older version for the
greater part and only need to make a few minor adjustments:
● There are a few new variables in the dbo${ORACLE_SID}.init file that need to
be allocated. Simply call the configure_nsrora tool once for each database (for
each ORACLE_SID). The tool proposes the values already set in the case of
each variable that has already been defined and the default value for each
new one.
● Change all clients containing the save set ${ORACLE_SID}_env in such a way
that the save set is no longer contained. If a client consists solely of this save
set, then you can delete it completely.
● If you are using NSR-ORA V3.2, you have to enter the following backup
command in NetWorker’s Clients window:
The save set ${ORACLE_SID}_recover must be removed from all existing