System Administrator’s Guide U42252-J-Z915-1-76
NSR-ORA and NetApp Configuring NSR-ORA
database rarely change, it may be usefull to keep the snapshots for a
few weeks. If the rate of change is high it may be suffient to keep only
a few snapshots-by-hour. For a moderate rate of changes it may be
useful to keep a number of snapshots-by-hour and, additionally, some
snapshots-by-day. The NetWorker adminstrator and database(s)
administrator need to work together to tune the parame-ters for a
particular database.
Using this parameter the administrator can define the percentage of storage
on a volume that will be reserved to store the snapshot files (15% by default).
As a NetWorker Administrator you will be informed, if the amount of storage
available for snapshot backups is running out. To use snapshot backups the
NAS filer needs an amount of free space on the database volume. With the
snap_reserve command (NetApp) you can reserve this amount of storage.
Before starting a backup NSR-ORA checks whether the amount of reserved
free disk space is sufficient or not: If the percentage of usage reaches more
than 90% of the amount reserved by snap_reserve (e.g. 90% used of 25%
reserved) then NSR-ORA gives a warning delivered by the savegroup
completion notification of NetWorker.
With the reserved amount of storage being entirely used for the
snapshot files NetWorker will use additional free space on the
database volume for storage (if it is available). This causes no
reduction of functionality.
The LAST_WEEK_DAY parameter has to be changed, if you want to specify
a day other than Saturday as the last day of the week to generate the
snapshots-by-week. By default the value for the LAST_WEEK_DAY
parameter is set to Saturday but you may set it to any other day of the week.
This parameter is not queried during configuration with configure_nsrora but
must be changed manually in the dbo${ORACLE_SID}.init configuration file.
The NFS_SAVE parameter has to be set, if the archivelog files are stored on
a NAS filer volume, too. The allowed values are 0 (inactive) and 1 (active).
Choosing NFS_SAVE=1 you activate the backup from NFS-mounted file
systems for the backup of the archivelog files.