
CLI Commands B-3
add ip network
address [ip_net_address]
{ interface [eth:1] }
{ enabled [yes] }
Adds an IP network to the list of IP networks available over the specified interface.
add ip route
gateway [gateway_addr]
metric [hop_count]
Adds an entry to the IP routing table. IP packets destined for networks that match
this network will be routed to this address. The command list ip routes displays
your currently defined routes.
add ipx network
address [ipx_address]
{ interface [eth:1] }
{ enabled [yes] }
Parameters Description
<IP_address > IP Address of the gateway router.
metric Integer representing how far away the default router is, in hops through
other routers. Values: 1-15.
Parameters Description
<network_name> Name of IP network, consisting of up to 32 unique ASCII characters; space
must be surrounded by double quotes.
address IP address of the network, in the format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, with or without
a mask specifier. The Mask Specifier can be A, B, C, or H, or a numeric
value from 8 to 30 that describes the number of one bits in the mask. If you
do not specify a mask, the system will generate it for you from the network
frame Frame encapsulation to be used on this IP network. The options are:
ETHERNET_II, LOOPBACK (for diagnostics), or SNAP.
interface Name of the interface which this IP network will communicate over. The
default is the first LAN interface (eth:1).
enabled This optional parameter indicates whether the network is enabled (YES) or
disabled (NO). YES is the default.
Parameters Description
<net_address> IP address of the remote network, in the format nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn, with or
without a mask specifier. The Mask Specifier can be A, B, C, or H, or a
numeric value from 8 to 30 that describes the number of one bits in the mask.
If you do not specify a mask, the system will generate it from the network
gateway IP address of gateway used to reach this remote network.
metric An integer representing how far away the route is, in hops through other
routers. Values are 1-15.