IPX Routing 6-17
To add a Static IPX route over the LAN, use the command:
add ipx route <ipx network address>
gateway <ipx network address>
metric <number>
ticks <number>
The route will appear in the IPX routing table. You can display all IPX routes with
the list ipx routes command.
To delete an IPX Static route, use the command:
delete ipx route <ipx network address>
To add a Framed route that will be installed in the IPX routing table when a
connection is established use the command:
add ipx_route vc <vc name>
ipx_net <ipx network address>
metric <number>
ticks <number>
The route will be removed from the IPX routing table when the VC profile is
To delete a Framed route so that it no longer will be installed in the routing
table when the connection is established use the command:
delete ipx_route vc <vc name>
ipx_route <ipx network address
Remember to disable and then re-enable the VC profile for the change to take
Configuring IPX Static
and Framed Services
The Service table contains IPX server names, the services they provide, their
network and node addresses, and their relative distances. Examples of Services
include file servers and printers. Once created, a Static Service entry remains in the
Service table until deleted. Static Services differ from Dynamic Services in that
Dynamic Services are learned real-time via SAP packet exchange between routers.
A Static Service entry is a manually configured Service accessible from the LAN. A
Framed Service is a manually configured Service accessible from the WAN. A
Framed Service is active only when the connection to the associated remote site is
Use Static and Framed Services for servers not learned using SAP.
To add a Static IPX Service over the LAN, use the command:
add ipx service <service name>
gateway <network.node address>
ipx_net <server network address>
metric <number>
node <server node address>