L3-LL User Manual
Band Controls
he Band Controls section features controls over the Crossover network which splits the input into
r displaying the
put level.
Se r
- R g
- Defau
less overlap between the bands.
Just below t
L3-LL. Eac e
Each of the
LOW Range:
O MID Range: 150Hz to 300Hz. Default to 320Hz.
I MID Range: 1000Hz to 5000Hz. Default to 1278Hz.
I Range: 3kHz to 11kHz. Default to 5113Hz.
er Band Solo
Solo the frequency band to adjust the frequency bandwidth. Solo outputs the signal post the crossovers
and pre the dynamic process.
Frequency Bands. Each Band has controls for Solo, Gain, Priority, Release, and a Mete
pa ation
an e 0 to 100
lt 100
Separation is similar to a filter cutoff slope (or Q) between the bands’ sidechain being fed to the
PLMixer™. At low Separation settings, crossover slopes
between bands are moderate, creating more
overlap between the bands. At higher Separation settings, the crossover slopes are steeper, resultin
r (Xover) Controls
he graph are the Crossover frequency adjustment controls. There are 4 Crossovers in the
h s ts the cutoff frequencies for the corresponding High Pass and Low Pass filters.
four Crossovers has a unique range of frequencies, as follows:
20Hz to 350Hz. Default to 80Hz.