Placement Precautions
Magnetic Shielding Precautions
The SUB-1500 is not magnetically shielded and may damage a TV if placed in very close proximity. If you suspect
or see any color distortion anywhere on a nearby TV, the SUB-1500 may be too close and should be moved away
from the TV until the color distortion disappears.
Basic Precautions
• Place your subwoofer directly against a wall, leave at least a minimum of 1" of space.
• Place against a radiator, panel heater or forced air-heating outlet
• Place outdoors or in a humid environment
• Plug into an AC mains outlet until all your system wiring is completed.
If you are familiar with wireless microphone systems, we are NOT talking about RF type interference, but rather
acoustic interference, or the direct sonic radiation mixed with reflections from adjacent surfaces (especially
floors, rear walls and side walls). These sound reflections can be either in or out of phase. What is coming in
phase with the direct sonic radiation will reinforce the sound, and what is coming out of phase with the direct
sonic radiation will weaken or cancel the sound.
If reflections will inevitably occur due to a forced location, try to get as many reflections as possible to arrive in
phase with the direct sonic radiation. In addition, it is highly recommended to ensure this is true throughout the
entire working frequency range of the SUB-1500 (40- 120 Hz), because different frequencies have different
lengths and movement (Refer to Advanced Operation for more information on phase adjustments).