VocoPro SUB-1500 Speaker User Manual

Understanding Subwoofers
Before we get into finding a location for the SUB-1500 and making any connections, we want to be sure we
explain some fundamental principles about subwoofer performance. Simply hooking up a subwoofer to an audio
system like a loudspeaker can significantly compromise the performance of the subwoofer, and at times even
make the system sound worse. Below are some important guidelines regarding subwoofer installations that can
help you get a better sound in less time.
Room Acoustics
The low frequency response and efficiency of a subwoofer are heavily influenced by the acoustics of the playback
environment. More specifically, the response is influenced by the room's dimensional ratios, types of construction
and location of the subwoofer within that environment. You can significantly improve the subwoofers in-room
response and efficiency by experimenting with various room placements until you find an optimum location.
General acoustical guidelines to be kept in mind:
Every acoustic space is unique and experimentation is an important key in finding the best possible 
location in your particular environment.
A subwoofer becomes more acoustically efficient (has greater output) as you move it closer to a room
surface (e.g. wall or floor).
A subwoofer will give maximum output and maximum acoustic excitement when it is located in a corner.
Under certain acoustic conditions, corner locations are optimum; in others, they can excite multiple "room 
modes", producing "muddy" or "boomy" sound.
A subwoofer generates tremendous energy, so it may vibrate objects close to it. If you hear buzzing or vibrating
objects, make sure to try to dampen those objects. Rattling, buzzing and other sympathetic resonance can make
a subwoofer's performance localized. This localization of sound usually prevents a full-toned, full-spectrum sound,
and therefore should be avoided. Many times localization can be heard through surface vibration, but using a sine
wave generator is probably the most accurate method.