The challenge is to make speakers that we can call transcendental - something that breaks boundaries and
creates emotion, but keeps the sound natural and intact, as it was in the concert hall or a recording studio.
Teresonic speakers operate legendary Lowther full-range speakers without crossovers. Conventional designs
put a crossover in the mid-range to split the signal between the bass driver and the tweeter. This is exactly the
range where human hearing is most sensitive. These crossovers introduce phase and balance changes that
cause deterioration in coherency, transparency and imaging. Even worse, most speakers go from a cone driver
for the bass to a tweeter with totally different sonic characteristics, such as a dome or ribbon tweeter.
The ability of the Teresonic speakers to speak across the full frequency spectrum with one voice, and with such
speed and lack of coloration, makes them seem all the more electrostatic. In the end, however, Teresonic
speakers will play much louder than all except the largest electrostatic speakers. They are so fast that you can
hit them with hard transients and they not only do not flinch, they start and stop on a dime and deliver the full
frequency and dynamic range of the signal. It is actually kind of hard to truly convey the full abilities of these
Big performance even at 4 Watts per channel
Traditional monitors are usually rated at 86-88 db and require at least 20 Watts of power. The ultra-high 98 db
efficiency of Magus speakers enables low power amplifiers, or high power amplifiers operated at low power
levels, to achieve realistic sound levels in most – not just the smallest - rooms. The Teresonic will sound
outstanding and play plenty loudly with an 8 wpc 300B-based tube stereo amplifier, as well as a 25 wpc 845-
based tube amplifier, or any other SET designs. They also sound excellent when powered by a set of the push-
pull monoblocs that are rated at 100 wpc. With Teresonic speakers even sonic gems such as 3 wpc 2A3-based
amplifiers will deliver big performance. If 1 watt is good for 98 db, then 4 watts are good for a peak output of
about 104 db and 8 watts of about 107 db at one meter distance - and with the lowest distortion you have ever
heard in a loudspeaker.
Higher power solid-state amplifiers will benefit from operating on low power levels where the distortions are
lowest – or almost non-existent. Despite manufacturers “paper specifications” even the finest high-end
amplifiers will introduce some sound distortions and colorations when played at high power levels. This is
driven by laws of physics and various components’ characteristics that vary at different load levels. Higher the
load, more stress on the component, more difficult for designer to get perfect results – even harder at the high
end. The simple solution is to operate at lower power levels and enjoy your music unspoiled, as it was created
in its natural environment, and still have the big performance sound of concert hall.
Exceptionally detailed and clean sound
The unique Magus design, the result of some 20 years of research and experimentation, and Lowther’s speed
and accuracy are key for Teresonic speakers’ extremely clean and accurate midrange, the widest range of sound
audible to our ears, with tight low frequencies. It is also the simplest, purest, most uncolored approach to
design a system which allows the speaker drivers to operate in "free air," duplicating the motion of sound
waves emanating from both sides of a musical instrument in live performance.
The full-range, single-driver, no-crossover Magus design is the outstanding example of detailed and crystal clear
sound already established in Teresonic Ingenium and Integrum series, combined with a flair for reproducing