Input Channels
5.2.3 Gain and Delay (Page 1)
Gain and delay are also set in the first page of the
channel’s menu, providing easy access for quick
adjustment during set up or performance. Note that
the delay can be specified in terms of time or
distance, as preferred. The unit of measurement is
changed in the Set Up menu (see Section 7.6).
To set the delay
Turn the centre knob slowly for step increments, or sharply to leap to the bottom/top of the
range (2 or 3 sharp turns will cover the whole range). The range is 0 to 1ms in steps of
20.83 s and 1ms to 1s in steps of 0.02ms, or the equivalent in metres or feet.
To adjust the gain
Turn the right-hand knob. The range is –40dB to +12dB in steps of 0.1dB, with an OFF
position just ‘below’ –40dB. Setting the gain to OFF will mute the input signal.
5.2.4 Parametric Equalisation (Pages 2 to 13)
The DN9848 provides 12 parametric equalisation stages
on each input channel, for equalising the input signal in
respect of room/venue characteristics. Each stage can
be used across the full range from 20Hz to 20kHz and is
set independently via its own menu page.
To set a PEQ
1 Set a centre frequency (21 steps per octave) and bandwidth (0.08 to 3 Oct) for the PEQ
section, using the left and centre knobs, respectively.
2 Turn the right-hand knob to set an attention/boost level in the range -18dB to +6dB.
PEQ sections which are not needed in the set up should be set to 0dB attention/boost.
Delays can be set in
seconds, metres, or feet.