User's Manual
9. IEC Linecord Socket
The preampliÞ er comes with a
de tach able linecord which con-
nects here.
Plug the linecord into an AC wall
socket or power strip which is cor-
rectly conÞ gured with the voltage
spec i Þ ed for your model.
10. AC Outlets
These three AC outlets allow you
to supply power to the other com-
ponents in your system. These
unswitched outlets are live when-
ever the preampliÞ er line cord is
plugged into a live wall socket or
power strip. They are live even if
the preampliÞ er is turned off.
Take care that the preampli-
Þ er is unplugged or turned
off at the AC wall socket or
supply, before connecting any
linecords here.
Make sure the power con-
sumption of all your compo-
nents does not exceed 1000
Watts. Do not plug a power
ampliÞ er into these outlets.
Rear Panel Fea tures
1. Ground Screw
This is commonly used for the
ground con nec tion wire of a turn-
table, to prevent any hum in your
speakers. It is tied to the chas-
sis ground, and may be used as
needed. Note: It is not necessary
or desirable to connect this to an
electrical ground.
2. Phono Selector
If you are using a turntable with a
low output Moving Coil cartridge,
set this switch to the MC position.
Use the MM position if it has a
high output Moving Magnet car-
tridge. This will correctly set the
gain of the Phono circuit.
3. Audio Inputs
Any standard audio component
with a line level output can be
con nect ed to CD, Tuner, Aux1 or
Only a turntable can be connected
to the Phono input. Set the Phono
Selector Switch correctly to match
your type of cartridge before using
the Phono input.
4. Tape In and Out
Tape In connects to the output
(play) of a Tape player, and Tape
Out connects to the input (record).
The Tape Outputs are unaffected
by the preampliÞ er volume or tone
5. External Processor
If you have an external processor
or graphic equalizer, it should be
connected here.
6. Out puts
These line-level RCA outputs
connect to the inputs of your
power ampliÞ er. The Main outputs
cover the main frequency range
between 20 Hz and 20 kHz. The
High-Pass outputs are rolled off
below 80 Hz.
7. 12 VDC Trigger
This 1/8” mini-jack supplies +12
VDC whenever the preampliÞ er is
turned on. It can be used to au-
tomatically turn on SunÞ re ampli-
Þ ers for example. Do not exceed a
current draw of 500 mA.
8. IR In and Out
These are used in custom in stal -
la tions to control the preampliÞ er
from a remote location. The jacks
accept 1/8” mono mini-plugs
from standard remote control IR
equipment, such as those made
by Xantech and other companies.
Place remote sensors in a pre-
ferred location in your main room.
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