The cut-off frequencyand output levelcan be ad-
justed whenthe subwoofer output ison.
Only frequencieslower than those inthe selected
range are outputtedfrom the subwoofer.
! This functionis not available forDEH-2400UB
and DEH-24UB.
! When youselect OFF inSUB.W, youcannot se-
lect thisfunction. For details,refer to SUB.W
(subwoofer on/off setting)on the previous
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. tocycle between the cut-offfre-
quency andoutput level of thesubwoofer.
Cut-off frequency (Cut-offfrequency display
flashes.)—Output level (Outputlevel display
3 TurnM.C. to select thedesired setting.
Cut-off frequency: 50HZ—63HZ—80HZ—
Output level:–24 to+6
SLA (sourcelevel adjustment)
SLA (Sourcelevel adjustment) lets youadjust the
volume levelof each source toprevent radical
changes in volumewhen switching betweensour-
! Settings arebased on the FMvolume level,
which remains unchanged.
! The AMvolume level can alsobe adjusted with
this function.
! When selectingFM as the source,you cannot
switch toSLA.
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 TurnM.C. to adjust thesource volume.
Adjustment range: +4to –4
3 Press M.C. toconfirm the selection.
Initial settings
1 Press and hold SRC/OFF until the unit
turns off.
2 Press M.C. and hold until function name
appears in the display.
3 Turn M.C. to select the initial setting.
After selecting, perform the following proce-
dures to set the initial setting.
CLOCK SET(setting the clock)
1 Press M.C. todisplay the setting mode.
2 Press M.C. toselect the segment ofthe clock
display you wishto set.
3 TurnM.C. to adjust theclock.
AUX (auxiliary input)
Activate thissetting when using anauxiliary de-
vice connected tothis unit.
1 Press M.C. toturn AUX on oroff.
USB PNP(plug and play)
This setting allowsyou to switchyour source to
USB/iPod automatically.
1 Press M.C. toturn the plug andplay function
on or off.
ON – Whena USB storagedevice/iPod iscon-
nected, dependingon the type ofdevice, the
source isautomatically switched to USB/iPod
when you turnon the engine.If you disconnect
your USB storagedevice/iPod, this unit’s
source isturned off.
OFF – Whena USB storagedevice/iPod iscon-
nected, thesource is not switchedto USB/
iPod automatically. Please changethe source
to USB/iPodmanually.
REAR-SP (rear outputsetting)
The rearspeaker leads output canbe used for full-
range speaker orsubwoofer connection.
If you switchto SW, youcan connect arear speak-
er lead directlyto a subwoofer withoutusing an
auxiliary amp.
Initially,REAR-SP is setfor rear full-range speaker
connection (FUL).
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
! Even if youchange this setting, therewill
be no outputif you selectOFF in SUB.W
(Refer toSUB.W (subwoofer on/off setting)
on the previouspage).
! If you changethis setting, subwoofer out-
put inthe audio menu willreturn tothe fac-
tory settings.
PREOUT (preoutsetting)
The RCAoutputs can be usedfor rear speaker or
subwoofer connection.
If you switchto SW, youcan connect arear speak-
er lead directlyto a subwoofer withoutusing an
auxiliary amp.
Initially,PREOUT is setfor rear full-range speaker
connection (SW).
1 Press M.C. toselect the desired setting.
! Even if youchange this setting, therewill
be no outputif you selectOFF in SUB.W
(Refer toSUB.W (subwoofer on/off setting)
on the previouspage).
! If you changethis setting, subwoofer out-
put inthe audio menu willreturn tothe fac-
tory settings.
DEMO (demo displaysetting)
1 Press M.C. toturn the demo displayon or off.
SCROLL (scroll modesetting)
When ever scrollis set toON, recorded textinfor-
mation scrolls continuouslyin the display. Set to
OFF if youprefer the informationto scroll just
1 Press M.C. toturn the ever scrollon or off.
Selecting the illumination color
Only for DEH-3400UB and DEH-34UB.
This unit is equipped with multiple-color illumi-
nation. You can select desired colors for the keys
and display of this unit. You also can customize
the colors you want to use.
Selecting the key color from the
illumination color list
Only for DEH-3400UB and DEH-34UB.
You can select desired colors for the keys of this
1 Press
2 Turn M.C. to display KEY COLOR and
press to select.
3 Turn M.C. to select the illumination color.
You can select one option from the following list.
! 30 presetcolors (WHITE to ROSE)
! SCAN (cyclethrough all colors)
! 3 sets ofcolors (WARM, AMBIENT, CALM)
! CUSTOM (customizedillumination color)
4 Press M.C. to confirm the selection.
! When SCAN is selected, the system auto-
matically cycles through the 30 preset colors.
! When WARM isselected, the system auto-
matically cycles through the warm colors.
Operating this unit
Operating this unit