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You may set up the tuner in such a way that
listening to CD or external source is interrupted
by the NEWS of a RDS station. This only works
if the RDS station broadcasts a NEWS signal
while sending the news.
You can activate NEWS function from
any source mode except TUNER.
Switching on NEWS function
1 In any active mode, press RDS/NEWS until
"NEWS" appears.
➜ NEWS shows on the display.
➜ The system will scan the radio stations stored
in the first five (5) preset and wait for the News
Programme Type data to be available in any of
these RDS stations.
➜ While searching NEWS in progress, the
current active mode remains uninterrupted.
2 When NEWS transmission is detected, the
system will switch to Tuner mode.
➜ NEWS starts flashing.
● If no RDS station is detected in the first five
presets, the system will exit NEWS function.
➜ "NO RDS NEWS" appears.
Helpful Hints:
–You have to exit Tuner mode before selecting
NEWS function.
– Before you activate the NEWS feature, ensure
that the first five presets have RDS stations.
– The NEWS works only once for each activation.
To cancel NEWS function
● Press RDS/NEWS again or switch the
system to tuner mode.
During news bulletin, press any other available
source keys to execute the relevant source
Tuner Operations
001-025-MCM5-22-Eng 4/8/04, 12:3419