10 C2458M-F (4/11)
The PTZ Control window contains the following buttons (refer to Figure 4):
Directional buttons/sliders:
• The directional buttons (Up, Down, Left, Right, and Stop), located in the middle of the window,
control the pan and tilt function.
• Alternatively, you can control the pan and tilt function using the sliders, which are located to the
right and beneath the directional buttons.
Open/Close: Sends a command to the camera to open or close the Iris. In Menu mode, the Open and
Close Iris commands select and release menu options.
Reset PTZ: Sends a reset command to the dome drive, causing it to restart.
Reset Camera: Sends a reset command to the integrated optics package (IOP), causing it to restart.
Near/Far: Provides focus adjustment capability.
Tele/Wide: Provides zoom capability.
Menu: Accesses the camera menu.
Return: Returns you to the main menu.
Exit: Closes the PTZ Control and Downloader II menus.
Figure 4. PTZ Control Window