Question 1: What is to be done if the camera
does not possess a synch contact for the
flash bulb synch cable ?
Answer: There is a number of solutions to
this problem :
1. If the camera lacks a synch contact for the
flash bulb synch cable and if the synch
contact is nonstandard or arranged in the
place of the flash bulb attachment on the
camera it is recommended to purchase an
adapter with a standard synch contact ;
2. If the studio pulse light and a stationary
flash bulb on the camera are used the stu
dio flash bulbs should be equipped with
light synchronizers.
3. Use constant illumination.
Question 2: What is to be done if the camera
does not possess a connector for the camera
remote control adapter?
Answer: All the turntable operation modes,
except Auto one, may be used. The camera
remote control cable is not used in this case
and there is no need to connect it to socket
«A» on the control panel.
Question 3: If the photo studio is supplied
with constant illumination, in what way
should the photography be made?
Answer: When applying the constant illumi
nation you may use all the turntable opera
tion modes and there is no need to use the