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for Existing Construction
Ceiling Speakers
For existing construction, the use of mounting
rings can not occur. The following steps outline
how to locate a section between two joists, mark
the outer boundaries of the hole, drill a small hole
in the center to verify the location and then cut
the main hole.
Step 1. Determine the location of the joists so the
speaker can be centered approximately between
them. There are several ways to go about this:
• Use an electronic stud finder. Many finders
can also indicate the location of live AC
• Tap on the wall and listen to the resulting
sound. When the sound is deeper and more
hollow sounding, you are between joists.
When the sound is sharper and more flat
sounding, you are close or over a stud.
• Identify joists by the position of electrical
light fixtures. There may be a joist directly to
the left or right of these electrical fixture. This
gives you a point of measurement since joists
are either 24 or 16 inches on center in newer
houses, 12 inches in older homes.
Step 2. When you are sure of where the ceiling’s
joists are (and are completely sure there isn’t an
electrical cable, water pipe or heating duct in that
vicinity of the wall), position the cardboard
mounting template, and draw around the outer
perimeter with a pencil.
Step 3. Drill a 1-inch hole in the center of the
pencil outline which you have just drawn, just
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