Marantz CD6000SE CD Player User Manual

Pin No. Port Name Function To/From Description Active
1 +5C Vdd +5C
2 OPEN P37 --- LED On/Off Low
3 OPEN P36/BUZ --- LED On/Off Low
4 OPEN P35/PCL --- LED On/Off Low
5 OPEN P34/TI2 --- LED On/Off Low
6 OPEN P33/TI1 --- LED On/Off Low
7 OPEN P32/TO2 --- LED On/Off Low
8 OPEN P31/TO1 --- LED On/Off Low
9 OPEN P30/TO0 --- LED On/Off Low
10 RESD RESET 7600
11 5MHz X’tal X2 5800
12 5MHz X’tal X1 5800
14 OPEN XT2 ---
15 OPEN P04/XT1 ---
16 +5C Vdd +5C
17 OPEN P27/SCK0 ---
18 OPEN P26/SO0/SB1 ---
19 OPEN P25/SI0/SB0 ---
20 OPEN P24/BUSY ---
21 OPEN P23/STB ---
22 CLKD P22/SCK1 ---
23 OPEN P21/SO1 ---
25 GND Avss GND
26 OPEN P17/ANI7 ---
27 OPEN P16/ANI6 ---
28 OPEN P15/ANI5 ---
29 OPEN P14/ANI4 ---
30 OPEN P13/ANI3 ---
31 OPEN P12/ANI2 ---
32 OPEN P11/ANI1 ---
33 OPEN P10/ANI0 ---
34 OPEN Avdd ---
35 GND Avref GND
36 OPEN P03/INTP3 ---
37 OPEN P02/INTP2 ---
38 OPEN P01/INTP1 ---
39 STBD P00/INTP0/TI0 7600
40 GND Vss GND
41 OPEN P74 ---
42 OPEN P73 ---
43 OPEN P72 ---
44 SSEL P71 +5C Scroll rule select (HIGH : CD6000)
45 CSEL P70 GND Character select (LOW : CD6000)
46 +5VD Vdd +5VD
47 S40 P127/FIP52 FL Segment output
48 S39 P126/FIP51 FL Segment output
49 S38 P125/FIP50 FL Segment output
50 S37 P124/FIP49 FL Segment output
51 S36 P123/FIP48 FL Segment output
52 S35 P122/FIP47 FL Segment output
53 S34 P121/FIP46 FL Segment output
54 S33 P120/FIP45 FL Segment output
55 S32 P117/FIP44 FL Segment output
56 S31 P116/FIP43 FL Segment output
57 S30 P115/FIP42 FL Segment output
58 S29 P114/FIP41 FL Segment output
59 S28 P113/FIP40 FL Segment output
60 S27 P112/FIP39 FL Segment output
61 S26 P111/FIP38 FL Segment output
62 S25 P110/FIP37 FL Segment output
63 S24 P107/FIP36 FL Segment output
64 S23 P106/FIP35 FL Segment output
65 S22 P105/FIP34 FL Segment output
66 S21 P104/FIP33 FL Segment output
67 S20 P103/FIP32 FL Segment output
68 S19 P102/FIP31 FL Segment output
69 S18 P101/FIP30 FL Segment output
70 S17 P100/FIP29 FL Segment output
71 S16 P97/FIP28 FL Segment output
72 S15 P96/FIP27 FL Segment output
73 S14 P95/FIP26 FL Segment output
74 S13 P94/FIP25 FL Segment output
75 S12 P93/FIP24 FL Segment output
76 S11 P92/FIP23 FL Segment output
77 S10 P91/FIP22 FL Segment output
78 S9 P90/FIP21 FL Segment output
79 -VFT Vload -VFTD
80 S8 P87/FIP20 FL Segment output
81 S7 P86/FIP19 FL Segment output
82 S6 P85/FIP18 FL Segment output
83 S5 P84/FIP17 FL Segment output
84 S4 P83/FIP16 FL Segment output
85 S3 P82/FIP15 FL Segment output
86 S2 P81/FIP14 FL Segment output
87 S1 P80/FIP13 FL Gird output or Segment output
88 G13 FIP12 FL Gird output or Segment output
89 G12 FIP11 FL Gird output or Segment output
90 G11 FIP10 FL Gird output or Segment output
91 G10 FIP9 FL Gird output or Segment output
92 G9 FIP8 FL Gird output or Segment output
93 G8 FIP7 FL Gird output or Segment output
94 G7 FIP6 FL Gird output or Segment output
95 G6 FIP5 FL Gird output or Segment output
96 G5 FIP4 FL Gird output or Segment output
97 G4 FIP3 FL Gird output or Segment output
98 G3 FIP2 FL Gird output or Segment output
99 G2 FIP1 FL Gird output
100 G1 FIP0 FL Gird output
1 EXCK I/O Subcode interface shift clock input and output
2 SBSO I Subcode interface data Input
3 SCOR I Subcode interface block synchronization Input
4 WFCK I Subcode interface frame synchronization Input
5 MCK I Clock input (16.9344 MHz)
6 XMODE I System reset and low power mode
7 GND Ground
Test pin (Must be connected to ground in normal
9 SW1 I EXCK I/O setting (L: clock output, H: clock input)
10 SW2 I
EXCK clock output pulse width selection (L: double
speed support, H: normal speed)
11 SCLK I Command interface shift clock input
12 SRDT O Command interface data output
13 DOSY O Command interface readout enable output
14 VDD Power supply
1 IN1- negative input 1
2 IN1+ positive input 1
3 n.c. not connected
4 n.c. not connected
5 VP positive supply voltage
6 IN2+ positive input 2
7 IN2- negative input 2
8 n.c. not connected
9 OUT2+ positive output 2
10 GND2 ground 2
11 n.c. not connected
12 OUT2- negative output 2
13 OUT1- negative output 1
14 GND1 ground 1
15 n.c. not connected
16 OUT1+ positive output 1
1 O4 output of diode current amplifier 4
2 O6 output of diode current amplifier 6
3 O3 output of diode current amplifier 3
4 O1 output of diode current amplifier 1
5 O5 output of diode current amplifier 5
6 O2 output of diode current amplifier 2
7 LDON control pin for switching the laser
ON and OFF
8 VDDL laser supply voltage
9 RFE equalized output voltage of sum
signal of amplifiers 1 to 4
10 RF unequalized output
11 HG control pin for gain switch
12 LS control pin for speed switch
13 CL external capacitor
14 ADJ reference input normally
connected to ground via a resistor
15 GND 0 V supply; substrate connection
16 LO current output to the laser diode
17 MI laser monitor diode input
18 VDD amplifier supply voltage
19 I2 photo detector input 2 (central)
20 I5 photo detector input 5 (satellite)
21 I1 photo detector input 1 (central)
22 I3 photo detector input 3 (central)
23 I6 photo detector input 6 (satellite)
24 I4 photo detector input 4 (central)
1 VSSA1 *analog ground 1
2 VDDA1 * analog supply voltage 1
3 D1 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
4 D2 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
5 D3 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
6 VRL reference voltage input for ADC
7 D4 unipolar current input (central diode signal input)
8 R1 unipolar current input (satellite diode signal input)
9 R2 unipolar current input (satellite diode signal input)
10 IrefT current reference output for ADC calibration
11 VRH reference voltage output from ADC
12 VSSA2 * analog ground 2
13 SELPLL selects whether internal clock multiplier PLL is used
14 ISLICE current feedback output from data slicer
15 HFIN comparator signal input
16 VSSA3 * analog ground 3
17 HFREF comparator common mode input
18 Iref reference current output pin (nominally 0.5VDD )
19 VDDA2 * analog supply voltage 2
20 TEST1 test control input 1; this pin should be tied LOW
21 CRIN crystal/resonator input
22 CROUT crystal/resonator output
23 TEST2 test control input 2; this pin should be tied LOW
24 CL16 16.9344 MHz system clock output
25 CL11 11.2896 or 5.6448 MHz clock output (3-state)
26 RA radial actuator output
27 FO focus actuator output
28 SL sledge control output
29 TEST3 test control input 3; this pin should be tied LOW
30 VDDD1(P) * digital supply voltage 1 for periphery
31 DOBM bi-phase mark output (externally buffered; 3-state)
32 VSSD1 * digital ground 1
33 MOTO1 motor output 1; versatile (3-state)
34 MOTO2 motor output 2; versatile (3-state)
35 SBSY subcode block sync output (3-state)
36 SFSY subcode frame sync output (3-state)
37 RCK subcode clock input
38 SUB P-to-W subcode output bits (3-state)
39 VSSD2 * digital ground 2
40 V5 versatile output pin 5
41 V4 versatile output pin 4
42 V3 versatile output pin 3 (open-drain)
43 KILL kill output (programmable; open-drain)
44 EF C2 error flag; output only defined in CD ROM modes and 1fs modes (3-state)
45 DATA serial data output (3-state)
46 WCLK word clock output (3-state)
47 VDDD2(P) * digital supply voltage 2 for periphery
48 SCLK serial bit clock output (3-state)
49 VSSD3 * digital ground 3
50 CL4 4.2336 MHz microcontroller clock output
51 SDA microcontroller interface data I/O line (open-drain output)
52 SCL microcontroller interface clock line input
53 RAB microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire bus mode)
54 SILD microcontroller interface R/W and load control line input (4-wire-bus mode)
55 n.c. not connected
56 VSSD4 * digital ground 4
57 RESET power-on reset input (active LOW)
58 STATUS servo interrupt request line/decoder status register output (open-drain)
59 VDDD3(C) * digital supply voltage 3 for core
60 C2FAIL indication of correction failure output (open-drain)
61 CFLG correction flag output (open-drain)
62 V1 versatile input pin 1
63 V2 versatile input pin 2
64 LDON laser drive on output (open-drain)
7600 PD78076 MAIN
Pin No. Port Name Function In/Out Active To/From Description
1 OPEN P120 Out High ---
2 OPEN P121 Out Low ---
3 OPTCNT P122 In High 7318/7400 signal a front digital output's power
4 OPEN P123 In High ---
5 OPEN P124 In Low ---
6 OPEN P125 In Low ---
7 OPEN P126 Out Low ---
8 OPEN P127 Out Low ---
10 5MHz XTAL X2 5600 Clock out(5MHz)
11 5MHz XTAL X1 5600 Clock in(5MHz)
12 +5MP Vdd +5MP Power supply +5V
14 XT1 +5MP
15 REST RESET In 7603 Reset signal input
16 RC5I INTP0 In
6600 Input remote control signal
7602 Request signal to read datas from 7602
18 CD7RN P02 Out Low 7405 CD7 Reset signal
19 SILDN P03 Out Low 7405 Strobe signal for servo part of 7405
20 RAB7N P04 Out Low 7405 Strobe signal for servo part of 7405
21 OPEN P05 In ---
22 OPEN P06 In ---
23 +5MP Avdd +5VD
24 +5MP Avref0 +5VD
25 KEY0 ANI0 In Level Tact Switch Key Sensor
26 KEY1 ANI1 In Level Tact Switch Key Sensor
27 KEY2 ANI2 In Level Tact Switch Key Sensor
28 KEY3 ANI3 In Level Tact Switch Key Sensor
29 KEY4 ANI4 In
30 KEY5 ANI5 In
31 KEY6 ANI6 In
32 KEY7 ANI7 In
33 GND Avss GND
34 DACDAT P130 In/Out 7311/7312 Serial data signal for 7311/7312
35 RSTDD P131 Out 7800 Reset signal for 7800
36 +5MP Avref +5MP
37 STBD P70 Out 7800 Strobe signal for 7800
38 SIOD SO2 Out 7800 Serial data for 7800
39 CLKD SCK2 Out 7800 Serial clock for 7800
40 GND Vss GND
41 SIDT SI1 In 7602 Serial data signal from 7602
42 OPEN SO1 ---
43 CLKT SCK1 Out 7602 Serial clock signal from 7602
Out Low 7311/7312 Serial data's Strobe signal for 7311/7312
45 DACRST P24 Out Low 7311/7312 Reset signal for 7311/7312
46 OPEN SB0 ---
47 SDA SB1 In/Out 7405 Serial data signal for 7405.
48 SCL SCK0 Out 7405 Serial clock signal for 7405
49 A0 A0 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
50 A1 A1 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
51 A2 A2 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
52 A3 A3 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
53 A4 A4 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
54 A5 A5 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
55 A6 A6 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
56 A7 A7 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
57 AD0 D0 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
58 AD1 D1 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
59 AD2 D2 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
60 AD3 D3 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
61 AD4 D4 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
62 AD5 D5 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
63 AD6 D6 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
64 AD7 D7 In/Out 7601 Data signal for 7601
65 A8 A8 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
66 A9 A9 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
67 A10 A10 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
68 A11 A11 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
69 A12 A12 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
70 A13 A13 Out 7601 Adress signal for 7601
71 OPEN Vss ---
72 OPEN A14 Out ---
73 OPEN A15 Out ---
74 OPEN P60 Out ---
75 OPEN P61 Out ---
76 OPEN P62 Out ---
77 OPEN P63 Out ---
78 RDN RD Out 7601 Read signal for 7601
79 WRN WR Out 7601 Write signal for 7601
80 OPEN P66 Out ---
81 OPEN P67 Out ---
82 RC5KILL P100 Out 7605 Cancell RC5 from IR sensor during output RC5
83 RC5OUT TO6 Out 7605/7316 Syncrorecoding signal output
84 TRAYM P102 7403 Tray motor control signal
85 OPEN P103 ---
86 OPEN P30 In Low ---
87 OPEN P31 In Low ---
88 OPEN P32 In High ---
89 CDRWO P33 High 7500 In case of CD-RW disc,Gain up RF signal
90 SLSWN P34 In Low VAM1201 Sledge detect switch (LOW : in end)
91 OPEN P35 In ---
92 TRISN P36 In Low TRAY Tray in/out detect switch (LOW : in end)
93 OPEN P37 In ---
94 OPEN P90 In ---
95 OPEN P91 Out ---
96 OPEN P93 Out ---
97 OPEN P94 Out ---
98 OPEN P95 Out ---
99 OPEN P95 Out Low ---
100 OPEN P96 Out Low ---
7405 SAA7372GP
7602 LC89170M
7401/7402/7403 TDA7073A
7500 TDA1302T
Note : All supply pins must be connected to the same external power supply voltage.
7800 PD780204 DISPLAY