Lucent Technologies Release 4.0 Stereo System User Manual

DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
System Description Pocket Reference
Issue 1
May 1999
AC alternating current
ACD automatic call distribution
ADAP administration and data acquisition package
ADU asynchronous data unit
ALT assembly load and test
AMIS Audio Messaging Interchange Specification
API application programming interface
AUDIX Audio Information Exchange
AWG American wire gauge
BIOS basic input/output system
bps bits per second
BRI basic rate interface
BSC binary synchronous communications
BTU British thermal unit
CCA call classification analysis
CDH call data handler process
CELP code excited linear prediction
CIC customer information center
CICS customer information control system
CL control link
CMC Compact Modular Cabinet
CO central office
COIN central office implemented network
COM1 serial communications port 1
COM2 serial communications port 2
COR class of restriction
COS class of service