Congratulations on your purchase of the LES 370 Personal
FM System! Please take a moment to review this manual as it will
help you operate this easy-to-use product, and maximize your invest-
ment by caring for and maintaining each component.
Particular attention should be paid to the section discussing batteries
and battery charging to maximize battery life and system operation.
Also note that a troubleshooting guide is available near the end of this
booklet to assist you.
Did You Get Everything?
Standard shipping items include:
• 370T Transmitter
• 370R Receiver
• Lapel Microphone
• Headphones
• 2 NiMH Rechargeable
Batteries (installed)
• 2 Battery Chargers
• Carry Case
Examine each component carefully to ensure that it arrived safely and
was not damaged in shipping.
LightSPEED Personal FM Systems enhance instructor voice
information presented to students, whether children or adults, with
learning or sensory difficulties.
A teacher or coach wearing the 370T Transmitter with a lapel,
optional lavaliere or optional headset microphone can communicate
privately to a student wearing the 370R Receiver and headphones from
anywhere in the classroom, gym, cafeteria, playground, or on the sports
field. The instructor’s voice is amplified and delivered
directly to the ears of the student.
Since the LightSPEED LES 370 is a wireless system, both the teacher
and student can move freely and still communicate with crystal clarity
at distances up to 300 feet.
Working within the 216-217 MHz assistive listening band, the LES
370 has two frequencies built in. Utilizing two quartz crystals, the
LES 370 can operate on one of two frequencies by changing channels
with a slide switch. (A frequency is a special segment of the “airwaves”
designated by the Federal Communications Commission so that the
Transmitter can “talk” to the Receiver.)
The LES 370 operating frequencies correspond with the frequencies
that Phonak uses in their MicroLink™ systems. If properly matched,
the LES 370 may be used with matching Phonak system frequencies.