Henkel 97211 Stereo Amplifier User Manual

5 Measuring
Description of the process data
The strings shown below are typical strings of a normal dispensing and an error
If you make a reference dispensing, the letter R will appear before the number of
dispensing, for example R0 as a reference dispensing 0.
The information separator is always a comma.
0, 00076, 00053, 00025, 00426, 00491, 00035, 00047, (CRLF)
Carriage Return
Line Feed
Product Pressure
Adjusted Tolerance in %
Time of opening of the dispensing valve
between 1
and 2
trigger point
Time between 1
trigger point and stop of dispensing
Center of Gravity
Length of Envelope Curve
Integral of Pressure Characteristic
Number of Dispensing
E = I, (CRLF)
Kind of Error
I = Integral
H = Length of Envelope Curve
S = Center of Gravity
T = Time