Using Auto Mark: Configuration
If you have recorded an entire album as one waveform, you may want to
save the tracks as separate files. Position the time tracking cursor where
you want a split to occur, and press the “Insert Marker” button.
Final Vinyl can automate this process for you. Choose “Auto Mark” from
the Action menu. Final Vinyl will then search your recording for silent
areas, and automatically place marks. The default settings work fine in
most cases, but you can fine-tune Auto-Mark’s performance:
1. Minimum track length: Tells Final Vinyl that a song should be at least
(xx) minutes long (thus helps Auto Mark in detecting gaps correctly).
2. Minimum length between tracks: Some albums have fairly long gaps
between songs, while others have very short gaps. Adjusting this
setting can help Final Vinyl figure out where the gaps are.
3. Background noise level: Tells Final Vinyl how much background noise
to tolerate in the recording (helpful on old, scratchy records).
Once you have set some marks, the next time you save your recording
you will be prompted to name each marked region, and each marked
region will be saved in its own file.
To remove an existing mark, click on the triangle at the top of the mark
to select it, then click the “remove currently active mark” button. This
will remove the selected mark.