) >CDBE3D9?>(855D
January 2015 LIQ_MAN_ABR_5081C-HT/Rev.G
+'!#" "#"$# )$'.())#( *()$"'
$ED@ED Output N 00000000000
4 mA 4 mA 0 µS 00000000000
20 mA 20 mA 20 mS 00000000000
Hold hold 21 mA 00000000000
Fault fault 22 mA 00000000000
Dampening dpn 0 samples/second 00000000000
Test test 04.00 mA 00000000000
)5=@5B1DEB5 temp
Auto temperature compensation tauto on 00000000000
Manual temperature tman 25.0°C (overridden by auto) 00000000000
Temperature compensation COMP (Linear or nOnE) LInEAr 00000000000
9C@<1I display
Measurement type typ (CondUC or RSTVTY or Cust)
Temperature (°C or °F) temp C 00000000000
Output (mA or %) output Cur 00000000000
Security Code code 000 00000000000
ECD?=EBF5 SEtUP E(D 00000000000
Reference temperature t ref 25.0°C 00000000000
Cell constant CELL Const 1.00 00000000000
Temperature slope tEMP slOpe 2.000 00000000000
Output Calibration OUtPUt CAL 00000000000
917>?C5(Each segment displays ("%!'#(
the current value in the transmitter.)
Absolute conductivity Abs 1000 µS 00000000000
Off Set 0 AIR 0.0 µS 00000000000
Cell constant (Linear mode) CELL COnSt 3.00/cm 00000000000
Calibration factor CAL F 1.000 00000000000
Temperature slope tslope 2.000 00000000000
Software version soft A02.09 00000000000
Hardware version HArd 01 00000000000
Show fault warnings FaULTS none 00000000000
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