Emerson 5081C-HT Satellite Radio User Manual

1. Pressing a menu key allows the user access to
alibrate, program, or diagnostic menus.
2. Press ENTER to store data and settings. Press NEXT to
move from one submenu to the next. Press EXIT to
leave without storing changes.
>CDBE3D9?>(855D )
LIQ_MAN_ABR_5081C-HT/Rev.G January 2015
3. Use the editing keys to scroll through lists of allowed
settings or to change a numerical setting to the
desired value.
4. Pressing HOLD puts the transmitter in hold and sends
the output current to a pre-programmed value.
Pressing RESET causes the transmitter to abandon the
present operation and return to the main display.
'()  Press RESET to end the current
operation and return to the main display.
Changes will NOT be saved. '()4?5C
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! Press CAL to access the calibration
%'$ Press PROG to access the program
 Press DIAG to read diagnostic mes-
$! Press HOLD to access the
prompts used for turning on or off the
hold function.
''$, .( Use
keys to
increase or decrease a number or to scroll
through items in a list. Use the
keys to move the cursor across a number.
A flashing word or numeral shows the
position of the cursor.
#)' Press ENTER to move from a sub-
menu to the first prompt under the sub-
menu. Pressing ENTER also stores
changes in memory and advances to the
next prompt.
#-) Press NEXT to advance to the next
submenu or to leave a message screen.
-) Press EXIT to end the current oper-
ation. Changes are NOT saved.